- 07/08/2016
- Posted by: Jayne Bryant MS
- Category: News
Saturday 6th August was the 71st anniversary of the atomic bomb being dropped on Hiroshima in 1945.
It was said that nothing would grow again in Hiroshima for many years after the bomb was dropped. Yet the cherry blossoms bloomed again the following spring. The cherry blossoms endured, much like the spirit of the people affected by the bombing in Hiroshima.
We must remember the immense destruction those nuclear weapons produced and always think of the human cost to the actions on that day.
An eyewitness’ diaries described the sight of the bombing from his home, located about 3 km from the centre of the blast. It said “Instantly coming into my eyes was a soundless blaze glittering and white smoke rising obliquely from the fields and rows of houses.”
We must never forget the events of 71 years ago and work for peace and an end to nuclear weapons.